


I. The European Commission– Culture 2000

  • Culture 2000 is a Community programme established for seven years (2000-2006) that provides grants to cultural cooperation projects in all artistic and cultural fields (performing arts, plastic and visual arts, literature, heritage, cultural history, etc.).

II. The A_D_E 2004 project

  • A_D_E 2004 is co-funded by the Culture EC Programme.
  • A_D_E 2004 wants to investigate new languages and new communication forms between the stage and the audience.
  • A_D_E 2004 promotes up to 10 artistic projects which operate in the digital and live performance space and which

ideally find synergetic expressions between both. It will choose a minimum of 3 proposals to complete a programme of seminars and workshops to be presented in Italy, Germany and Romania.

III. The Project Partners

  • Project Leader: Provincia di Ancona
  • Co organizers: Theater Verein Muenchen, ARFA, Universitatea Eftimie Murgu
  • Associated Partners: Didysis Vilniaus Teatras Compagnie Mulleras

The current network of co organizers is based on a Collaboration between PROVINCIA DI ANCONA (Ancona,Italy), THEATER VEREIN MUENCHEN (Muenchen,Germany), ARFA (Bucharest, Romania)



IV.The selected projects to be presented in Romania

  • Project CCC (Children Cheering Carpet) – performed by TPO from Prato, Italy

In CCC project the performative action is lead by the pixels texture of the incorporeal scene, that contains actors and audience - so the physical space of theatre melts in the virtual space becoming “surfable”, the scene changes ruled by the spectators turned into actors.

  • Project Texterritory – performed by Future Physical from London Texterritory finds the right combination between the scenic narration, cellphone technology which aims to stimulate the audience’s active participation.

V. The programme of the artistic event

  • 10th June – TPO performance

Time: 17:00

Venue: Casa de Cultura Nicolae Balcescu

  • 11th June – TPO performance & workshop

Time: 17:00

Venue: Casa de Cultura Nicolae Balcescu

  • 12th June – Future Physical workshop at Nottara theatre

Time: 17:00

Venue: Nottara theatre

  • 13th June – Future Physical performance

Time: 19:30

Venue: Nottara theatre

Copyright: cIMeC 2004