1. Location:
"Grindu Tomii" point, on the Nasta pound southern bank.
2. Research type:
Systematic excavations.
3. Research team:
Vladimir Dumitrescu, the National Antiquities Museum.
4. Duration of research:
1942, 1955-1956.
5. Discovery type:
A necropolis constituted of 114 cremation tombs.
6. Chronological framing of the discovery:
The middle period of the bronze age, Garla Mare culture.
7. Pieces with specific character:
Incised ceramics, antropormorphic figurines, bronze custom objects (Lockenringe, Saltaleone).
8. Present-day location of the material:
"Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest, the National Museum of Romania, Bucharest, the Museum of Oltenia, Craiova.
9. Bibliography:
Vl. Dumitrescu, Necropola de incineratie din epoca bronzului de la Carna, the Archaeology Library 5, Bucharest, 1961.
10. Notes:
It is the largest necropolis of the Garla Mare culture and represents the basis of the research led there.

1. Location:
The "Ostrovogania - Malu Mare" point, in the middle of the Bistret Lake, ca. 2 kilometres south of the locality.
2. Research type:
Systematic excavations.
3. Research team:
Ion Motzoi-Chicideanu, "Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, the History Faculty of the Bucharest University.
4. Duration of the research:
5. Discovery type:
A necropolis constituted of 68 cremation tombs.
6. Chronological framing of the discovery:
The middle period of the bronze age, Garla Mare culture, the late period, Bistret-Isalnita group.
7. Pieces with specific character:
Incised ceramics, zoomorphic vessels, anthropomorphic figurines, bronze costume objects (Lockenringe, Saltaleone).
8. Present-day location of the material:
"Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest.
9. Bibliography:
Chicideanu, Zur Bronzezeit in Südwestrumänien, Dacia, N. S., 30.1-2, 1986, 7-74; I. Chicideanu, M. Sandor, Necropola de incineratie din epoca bronzului de la Bistret, Stiintele sociale si politice din Romania, 3-4, 1988, 53-60; I. Motzoi-Chicideanu, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, Sorin Oanta, Cercetarile arheologice din zona lacului Bistret - Campaniile din anii 1983 - 1996, MCA, 19 (in press).
10. Notes:
The "Ostrovogania" necropolis completed the existing information on the Danube Valley, outlining one stage of the Garla Mare culture, which is older than the one illustrated by the Grindu Tomii necropolis; it also outlined a much later stage corresponding to the recently identified Bistret-Isalnita group.

1. Location:
The "La rampa botogului" point, situated on the Prundu magarilor sands, on the southern shore of the Bistret Lake, ca. 600 meters south of the Ostrovogania point necropolis.
2. Research type:
Systematic excavations.
3. Research team:
Ion Motzoi-Chicideanu, "Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, the History Faculty of the Bucharest University.
4. Duration of the research:
5. Discovery type:
Open settlement with dwellings and domestic arrangements remainders - kiln.
6. Chronological framing of the discoveries:
The middle period of the bronze age, Garla Mare culture.
7. Pieces with specific character:
Incised ceramics, metal pieces - pendants, knives, silex tools, animal bones.
8. The present-day location of the material:
"Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest.
9. Bibliography:
Motzoi-Chicudeanu, Monica Sandor Chivcideanu, Sorin Oanta, Cercetarile arheologice din zona lacului Bistret - Campaniile din anii 1983-1996, MCA, 19 (in press).
10. Notes:
The settlement is one of the few monuments of this type, known for the Garla Mare culture, and at the same time it is the richest - until now- in metal pieces. According to the topographical position it may represent the settlement corresponding to the cemetery on Ostrovogania.
1. Location:
The "La nea Vasile Feraru" point, situated on the Prundu magarilor sands, ca. 700 meters west of the Garla Mare settlement of the La rampa botogului point.
2. Research type:
Rescue excavation.
3. Duration of the research:
4. Research team:
Ion Motzoi-Chicideanu, "Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, the History Faculty of the Bucharest University.
5. Discovery type:
A complex with cult character, constituted of 6 holes disposed around a hearth.
6. Chronological framing of the discovery:
The first iron age, Vartop cultural complex.
7. Pieces with specific character:
Vessels - amphora, bowls, cups, miniature vessels-, groove decorated, remainders from a surface burnt construction, human bones passed through fire.
8. Present-day location of the material:
"Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest.
9. Bibliography:
Motzoi-Chicideanu, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, Sorin Oanta, Cercetarile arheologice din zona lacului Bistret - Campaniile din anii 1983-1996, MCA, 19 (in press).
10. Notes:
For the moment, by its characteristic structure, the complex represents the first discovery of this kind for the beginning of the iron age in the area of the Lower Danube. At the same time, genetic connections are rendered evident with the Belegis cultural group from the Belgrade area of the Danube.
1. Location:
The "La butoi" point, situated on the Nasta pound southern bank.
2. Research type:
Rescue excavation.
3. Duration of the research:
4. Research team:
Ion Motzoi-Chicideanu, "Vasile Parvan" Archaeological Institute, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, the History Faculty of the Bucharest University.
5. Discovery type:
Open settlement with remainders of dwelling and holes.
6. Chronological framing of the discovery:
The first iron age, HaA-C.
7. Pieces with specific character:
Ceramics, bronze pieces.
8. Present-day location of the material:
"Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest.
9. Bibliography:
Motzoi-Chicideanu, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, Sortin Oanta, Cercetarile arheologice din zona lacului Bistret - Campaniile din anii 1983-1996, MCA,19 (in press).
10. Notes:
The settlement is vast and lasted for a long time. The first stage belongs to the Vartop grooved ceramics cultural complex, the second stage being dated little before the founding of the Basarabi culture; the latest ones are dated in the late Hallstatt period. In this way, the La butoi point objective receives a special importance for the privilege it offers in the study of the archaeological phenomena succession during the first iron age within the area of the Lower Danube.
1. Location:
"Groapa lui Mihalache" point, situated on the Nasta pound southern bank, in the very proximity of the ex- Grindul Tomii which was levelled with the bulldozer within the 1968-1971 hydro-melioration works.
2. Research type:
Rescue excavation.
3. Duration of the research:
4. Research team:
Ion Motzoi-Chicideanu, "Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Monica Sandor Chicideanu, the History Faculty of the Bucharest University.
5. Discovery type:
Open settlement with remainders of dwelling and holes.
6. Chronological framing of the discovery:
The middle and late periods of the bronze age, the Garla Mare culture and the Bistret-Isalnita group.
7. Pieces with specific character:
Ceramics, bronze pieces.
8. Present-day location of the material:
"Vasile Parvan" Archaeology Institute, Bucharest.
9. Bibliography:
Motzoi-Chicideanu, Monica Sandor-Chicideanu, Sorin Oanta, Cercetarile arheologice din zona lacului Bistret - Campaniile din anii 1983-1996, MCA,m 19 (in press).
10. Notes:
The settlement is placed in the near proximity of the place where the Grindu Tomii point cemetery was studied, and to which it corresponds. Beside the stage that is contemporary with the cemetery, the settlement also has a much older phase, inferred from the characteristics of the ceramics and of some bronze pieces. The bronze objects are very important as, usually, they are rare enough within the Garla Mare areas. Stratigraphic observations made evident a later stage that corresponded to the Bistret-Isalnita group.
Last update: March 31, 1999